Our music is now available worldwide on all major streaming services and online stores including iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and Google Play.
Below you will also find words and music for many of our songs free for you to download and use.
If you would prefer to have a physical copy of any of our recordings you can order CDs here.

Live at Rivendell
Come on, on, on in and join us for a bit of craic in our living room as we have fun sharing some of our home grown stories and whimsical songs like What a Dad, The Belle of Belfast city, Florida and Mightier recorded right here at home with a jolly crew of friends and family!
1. Come On On On In
2. The Belle of Belfast City
3. Why O Why Lord Minnesota?
4. The Wild River
5. Florida
6. I saw the Light
7. Mightier
8. What a Dad | Words & Music
9. Di do
10. The Angel Rolled the Stone Away

The Ascent
of the Bright Hostage
The third album of the Trilogy journey takes us home to the Father. I returned home to Ireland to join again with Paul McAree and enhance these recordings with Irish arrangements, sounds and voices.
1. There's a song risin' in us
2. Always with You | Words & Music
3. Easy Solutions
4. Lord we have heard | Words & Music
5. On the day you were born | Words & Music
6. In my Father's House | Words & Music
7. The King of Love | Words & Music
8. Geoff's Song
9. There is no peace | Words & Music
10. Your Kingdom Come
11. Doxology | Words & Music

The Flame
This release features “The Flame” song, written in the US, then recorded in Ireland and Australia, within a few weeks, in order to meet the Olympic deadline! In addition there are 5 other songs, one from each of the other albums.
1. The Flame | Words & Music
2. How Beautiful You Are
3. This is the generation
4. We Seek Your Presence | Words & Music
5. Now is the Time
6. A Bridge

The Trek
of the Bright Hostage
The Trek of the Bright Hostage is the second in this series. It leads us into a profound awareness of who Jesus is, what he has done and what difference it can make in our lives and relationships. Some great piping and family vocals, and over sixty minutes of music.
1. Yeshua | Words & Music
2. Out of the Depths
3. It is Finished | Words & Music
4. At the foot of the Cross | Words & Music
5. Please Forgive | Words & Music
6. Now is the time
7. There is a river | Words & Music
8. When All the Sons of Heaven
9. O Jerusalem/Lord of the Song | Music 1 Music 2
10. The Table is Spread | Words & Music
11. Shake the Heavens | Words & Music
12. Yeshua (Reprise)

The Voyage
of the Bright Hostage
The Voyage of the Bright Hostage is reflectively created, with humor and a generous dose of social commentary, by this Belfast boy newly come to the land of Mickey Mouse and Big Mac. This album introduces you to the "wild goose" (the term the Celtic Saints used for the Spirit of God) and shows how he is involved in all of our lives, and in the whole of life.
1. St. Brendan's Company
2. Why O Why Lord Minnesota?
3. My Soul Finds Rest | Words & Music
4. Heaven is Here at Last
5. Arise, O Lord and Come
6. Land of Opportunity
7. The Other Day
8. In God We Trust
9. A Bridge

O Ireland
O Ireland is the most Celtic album with some wonderful traditional musicianship and female vocals. "I've never heard such a pure voice as that girl on Be Thou My Vision" many have said. If you carry prayer for Ireland, these songs can both educate and inspire you. Some haunting arrangements by the Spirit of God (and McAree too!).
1. O Ireland
2. Simply Jesus | Words & Music
3. Giant's Song
4. God's Land
5. Be Thou My Vision | Words & Music
6. How Beautiful You Are | Words & Music
7. King of Summer
8. Joy-shua's Song | Words & Music
9. Through this Door
10. Where Can I Go? | Words & Music

Good Mornin' Dad
Good Mornin' Dad, features the popular song by the same name, that has helped many people come into a deeper experience of God the Father's love. It is a more contemporary album, recorded in partnership with my friend with "the amazing voice", Norman McKinley. A great album to waken up to in the morning! An ongoing favorite.
1. There is a way of Holiness | Words & Music
2. Good mornin' Dad | Words & Music
3. You have taken us from darkness
4. You have given me more joy | Words & Music
5. Let all the nations
6. Search me
7. All day long | Words & Music
8. May my lips overflow with praise | Words & Music
9. Jesus, Jesus | Words & Music
10. Worship the Lord | Words & Music
11. Psalm 145
12. Holy O Holy
13. We seek Your Presence | Words & Music

Come Lord Jesus
Come Lord Jesus is our first album, containing my best known song "Lord Jesus We Enthrone You." It features the songs from a celebration in music, dance and drama, which has been presented extensively in Ireland, and also in France and Africa, calling us to prepare for the return of Jesus, the King. The album features a choir from the Belfast community, and is classically arranged and beautifully produced by Paul McAree.
1. Lord Jesus We Enthrone You | Words & Music
2. Born into a Battle | Words & Music
3. Have this mind in you | Words & Music
4. O Behold | Words & Music
5. How Long | Words & Music
6. This is the Generation | Words & Music
7. Sing a New Song to the Lord | Words & Music
8. I am your son O God | Words & Music
9. In That Day | Words & Music
10. We Wait The Appearing | Words & Music