“Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”
- Psalm 84
Lord JESUS We Enthrone You was a song I wrote about 40 years ago that continues to be sung all over this troubled world as believer’s hearts cry, “Come Lord Jesus and take Your place.”
Our calling is to help prepare hearts to receive Him by modeling and teaching, using songs, life stories and scripture both in our home community in Minneapolis and when invited by friends to share elsewhere. The FREEDOM! retreat is one vehicle we use to lead people through healing prayers into a deeper experience of God’s love for them in the here and now.
The two verses from Psalm 84 above capture two emphases of our lives.
The first is to simply live in our FATHER’s house of LOVE……. That is why the photo Stephen chose to represent us with above is so appropriate.
Much of our life is spent around the table, talking, laughing, praying, crying, singing and ah yes! - eating and drinking with those who are already ‘family’ or are becoming ‘family’. With 7 of our own children and 10 grandchildren (at last count) and then a live in household and home fellowship here at Rivendell (The Big Green House) that expands into the teens, twenties and even fifties at retreats, “the table of the Lord” in a broad sense has always been at the center of our life.
The second is to simply go in FAITH as directed by the SPIRIT…….. or to ‘follow the wild goose’ as the Celts would say.
Over the years this has lead to all sorts of adventures all over the world. We’ve found an ADVENTURE is what God ADds to us through sorrow and joy when we VENTURE out trusting in Him. Two of these major venturing outs were when Paul left medical practice to lead a community of reconciliation in our home city of Belfast, in 1980, and when our family of 9 left Ireland to move to the USA in 1994. We now live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“Blessed be God the Father who has
blessed us with every spiritual blessing
in Christ in heavenly places.”
- Ephesians 1:2
We seek to use the gifts our Father has given us to help the people He brings into our lives to enter into that reality so that their “spirit, soul and body be sound at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We know, “The God of peace… who calls us is faithful - and He will do it!!” (from 1 Thessalonians.5:23,24)